Semi Planted Tank

A semi-planted tank is a freshwater aquarium that incorporates both live plants and artificial decorations. It offers a good balance between the natural beauty of a planted tank and the ease of maintenance of a traditional tank. Here's what a semi-planted tank typically looks lik

Here are some things to consider when setting up a semi-planted tank:
Tank size: There is no minimum tank size for a semi-planted tank, but larger tanks will allow you to grow a wider variety of plants and fish.
Lighting: The amount of light you will need will depend on the types of plants you want to grow. Semi-planted tanks typically require less light than fully planted tanks.
Substrate: The substrate is the material that covers the bottom of your tank. There are many different types of substrate available, but gravel or sand are popular choices for semi-planted tanks.
Plants: Choose easy-to-care-for plants that do not require a lot of light or fertilizers. Some good options for semi-planted tanks include Java fern, Anubias, and Amazon sword.
Fish selection: Almost any peaceful freshwater fish can be kept in a semi-planted tank. However, it is important to avoid fish that are known to eat plants