Planted Tank

A planted tank is a freshwater aquarium that features live plants as a prominent aesthetic and functional element. They are not only beautiful to look at, but also provide several benefits for the tank's inhabitants:

Here are some things to consider when setting up a planted tank:
Tank size: There is no minimum tank size for a planted tank, but larger tanks will allow you to grow a wider variety of plants.
Lighting: Plants need light for photosynthesis. The amount of light you will need will depend on the types of plants you want to grow.
Substrate: The substrate is the material that covers the bottom of your tank. There are many different types of substrate available, but some substrates are better for plants than others. A popular choice for planted tanks is aquarium soil, which is rich in nutrients that plants need to thrive.
Fertilizers: Some plants may need additional fertilizers to grow well. CO2 injection: CO2 injection is not necessary for all planted tanks, but it can help to promote plant growth.
Fish selection: Some fish species are not compatible with planted tanks. For example, some fish will eat plants, while others may uproot them.
Improved water quality: Plants help to remove nitrates and other pollutants from the water, which can help to keep your fish healthy.
Increased oxygen levels: Plants produce oxygen through photosynthesis, which helps to keep the water oxygenated for your fish.
Hiding places for fish: Live plants provide hiding places for fish, which can help to reduce stress and make them feel more secure.
Spawning sites for some fish: Some fish species will spawn on live plants.
Natural beauty: Live plants add a touch of nature to your aquarium and can create a stunning underwater landscape.