Discus Tank

A discus tank is a specialized aquarium designed to provide the ideal habitat for discus fish, a stunning freshwater species native to the Amazon River basin. Discus are known for their vibrant colors, round body shape, and peaceful temperament.

Here are some of the things to keep in mind when setting up a Diiscus tank:
Tank Size: Due to their size and waste production, discus require a larger tank. The absolute minimum recommended tank size for discus is 55 gallons, but a 75-gallon tank or larger is ideal.
Water Chemistry: Discus thrive in warm, soft, acidic water. The ideal pH level for a discus tank is between 6.0 and 7.0, with a hardness of 1° to 4° dKH. The temperature should be maintained between 82° and 86° Fahrenheit.
Filtration: Because discus are sensitive to water quality, a robust filtration system is essential for a discus tank. A canister filter or a sump filter is a good choice for a discus tank.
Heating: A reliable heater is necessary to maintain the proper water temperature in a discus tank.
Substrate: Discus prefer a soft substrate, such as sand or fine gravel. This allows them to sift through the substrate for food without damaging their delicate fins.
Decoration: Discus tanks should be decorated with live or silk plants that provide hiding places and help to diffuse light. Driftwood can also be added to the tank to create a more natural look

Discus tank requires careful consideration of several factors, including tank size, water chemistry, filtration, heating, substrate, and decoration.